Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Penguin Decades

I was in Waterstones at lunchtime and noticed these book covers. It turns out that Penguin have only gone and got Peter Blake to do the 50s covers, Allen Jones the 60s, Zandra Rhodes the 70s and John Squires, the Stone Rose himself, to do the 80s. I was so excited I bought one. Billy Liar, since you asked. Remember kids, ALWAYS judge a book by its cover.

Peter Blake - 60s

Allen Jones - 60s

John Squire - 80s

p.s. I haven't put the Zandra Rhodes ones up because they're shit.


Bryan Riddle said...

Liking it.

Gavin said...

John Squire's stuff looks good.
It doesn't mean I forgive him for The Seahorses though.