The Campaign Photo awards took place last night at Jasmine Studios. Launched last year, this awards event aims to recognise the impact of images in advertising and bring printed imagery back to life. Nadav, Kiran Masters and Alex Telfer remind us of the strength of the print medium, which has since been struggling with the changes and movements in media.
Chair of the jury, Mark Denton, raised the 'digital versus belief' debate. Does digital manipulation mask the essence and soul of an image?
Alex Telfer was popular with the judges (as was he last year) and scooped the award for Most Powerful Image...and more! Click
here to view winners.
TITLE: Knife Crime
Photographer: Alex Telfer
TITLE: Life Lost
Photographer Nadav Kander
TITLE: Brave
Photographer Kiran Master
TITLE: LOVE TYPE (Andy Dymock)
Photographer: Sean de Sparengo
TITLE: What's Everyone Tweeting about-Night
Photographer: Gary Burchell